Inter-Lakes Bases, Inc. first opened in 1966 and has built a reputation as a service-oriented manufacturer of high-quality dial plates, machine and robot bases and other related weldment products.

Mission Statement
Established in 1966 as a components manufacturer, Inter-Lakes Bases, Inc. fabricates, grinds, machines, paints, and inspects high quality machine bases and related components for quality conscious customers. Our code of business conduct recognizes the dignity of each individual, our responsibility to our environment and society and our continuing commitment to consider the best interest of the customer, employee, sales representative, and supplier…
To achieve this mission we have carefully developed an organization which recognizes its employees as the source from which ideas, actions and performance flow; promotes trust, teamwork, fairness, self-fulfillment, and dedication to excellence; and encourages each one to grow and contribute to their full potential. Which focuses its energies on recognizing the common goals and interests of its customers, sales representatives, employees, and suppliers by seeking to establish long-term partnerships to fulfill these goals and interests. Has a continuing commitment to deliver on-time quality to the customer by understanding the customer’s requirements, and maintaining our flexibility and willingness to continue to encourage our personnel to strive for improvement to fulfill those requirements as they change.